Wall, C., R. Rountree, C. Pomerleau, and F. Juanes. 2014. An exploration of deep-sea fish sounds off Vancouver Island from the NEPTUNE Canada ocean observing system. Deep Sea Research I 83: 57-64. [PDF]
Burchard, K., F. Juanes, and R. Rountree. 2014. Diel reproductive periodicity of haddock in the southwestern Gulf of Maine. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 143: 451-466. [PDF]
Butler, C, B. Hanrahan, J. Buckel, P. Rudershausen, F. Juanes, and J. Smith. 2014. Size-selective feeding in captive and free-ranging Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus). Marine and Coastal Fisheries 6: 81-88. [PDF]
Miller, K., A. Teffer, S. Tucker, S. Li, A. Schulze, M. Trudel, F. Juanes, A.Tabata, K. Kaukinen, N. Ginther, T. Ming, S. Cooke, M. Hipfner, D. Patterson, and S.Hinch. 2014. Infectious disease, shifting climates and opportunistic predators: cumulative factors potentially impacting declining wild salmon populations. Evolutionary Applications 7: 812-855. [PDF]
Miralles, L., F. Juanes, and E. Garcia-Vazquez. 2014. Interoceanic sex-biased migration in bluefish. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 143: 1308-1315. [PDF]
Teffer, A., M. Staudinger, D.L. Taylor, and F. Juanes. 2014. Trophic influences on mercury accumulation in top pelagic predators from offshore New England waters of the northwest Atlantic Ocean. Marine Environmental Research 101: 124-134. [PDF]
Wang, HY, LW Botsford, JW White, MJ Fogarty, F Juanes, A Hastings, MD Holland and K Brander. (in press). The influence of temperature on life histories sets the sensitivity of Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, to fishing. Marine Ecology Progress Series 514: 217-229. [PDF]
Miralles, L., F. Juanes, A. Pardiñas, and E. Garcia-Vazquez. 2014. Palaeoclimate shaped bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix, L.) structure in the northern hemisphere. Fisheries 39: 578-586 (with featured cover image). [PDF]
Ganias, F. Juanes and 20 others. 2014. Egg Production. In: Handbook of applied fisheries reproductive biology for stock assessment and management, R. Dominguez-Petit, H. Murua, F. Saborid-Rey, and and E. Trippel (eds), Handbook of Applied Fisheries Reproductive Biology for Stock Assessment and Management. Digital CSIC. http://hdl.handle.net/10261/87768
Naumann, C., J. Robinson, C. Freshwater, E. Hertz, D. Stormer, A. Teffer, and F. Juanes. 2014. Review of ‘Overfishing: what everyone needs to know’ by R. Hilborn, Fisheries 39: 222. [PDF]
Bourdon, R, M. Carrasquilla, B. Collicutt, C. Freshwater, O. McMillan, A. Messmer, J. Robinson, E. White, and F. Juanes. 2014. Review of 'The Biology of sharks and rays' by A.P. Klimley. Journal of Fish Biology 84: 1266-1267. [PDF]
Burchard, K., F. Juanes, and R. Rountree. 2014. Diel reproductive periodicity of haddock in the southwestern Gulf of Maine. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 143: 451-466. [PDF]
Butler, C, B. Hanrahan, J. Buckel, P. Rudershausen, F. Juanes, and J. Smith. 2014. Size-selective feeding in captive and free-ranging Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus). Marine and Coastal Fisheries 6: 81-88. [PDF]
Miller, K., A. Teffer, S. Tucker, S. Li, A. Schulze, M. Trudel, F. Juanes, A.Tabata, K. Kaukinen, N. Ginther, T. Ming, S. Cooke, M. Hipfner, D. Patterson, and S.Hinch. 2014. Infectious disease, shifting climates and opportunistic predators: cumulative factors potentially impacting declining wild salmon populations. Evolutionary Applications 7: 812-855. [PDF]
Miralles, L., F. Juanes, and E. Garcia-Vazquez. 2014. Interoceanic sex-biased migration in bluefish. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 143: 1308-1315. [PDF]
Teffer, A., M. Staudinger, D.L. Taylor, and F. Juanes. 2014. Trophic influences on mercury accumulation in top pelagic predators from offshore New England waters of the northwest Atlantic Ocean. Marine Environmental Research 101: 124-134. [PDF]
Wang, HY, LW Botsford, JW White, MJ Fogarty, F Juanes, A Hastings, MD Holland and K Brander. (in press). The influence of temperature on life histories sets the sensitivity of Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, to fishing. Marine Ecology Progress Series 514: 217-229. [PDF]
Miralles, L., F. Juanes, A. Pardiñas, and E. Garcia-Vazquez. 2014. Palaeoclimate shaped bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix, L.) structure in the northern hemisphere. Fisheries 39: 578-586 (with featured cover image). [PDF]
Ganias, F. Juanes and 20 others. 2014. Egg Production. In: Handbook of applied fisheries reproductive biology for stock assessment and management, R. Dominguez-Petit, H. Murua, F. Saborid-Rey, and and E. Trippel (eds), Handbook of Applied Fisheries Reproductive Biology for Stock Assessment and Management. Digital CSIC. http://hdl.handle.net/10261/87768
Naumann, C., J. Robinson, C. Freshwater, E. Hertz, D. Stormer, A. Teffer, and F. Juanes. 2014. Review of ‘Overfishing: what everyone needs to know’ by R. Hilborn, Fisheries 39: 222. [PDF]
Bourdon, R, M. Carrasquilla, B. Collicutt, C. Freshwater, O. McMillan, A. Messmer, J. Robinson, E. White, and F. Juanes. 2014. Review of 'The Biology of sharks and rays' by A.P. Klimley. Journal of Fish Biology 84: 1266-1267. [PDF]