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In press
Murchy, K., R. Rountree, and F. Juanes. (in press). The role of the soundscape in the behavioral ecology of stream-dwelling salmonids. 45pp. Book Chapter.
Martin, M. J., Halliday, W. D., Storrie, L., Citta, J. J., Dawson, J., Hussey, N. E., Juanes, F., Loseto, L. L., MacPhee, S. A., Moore, L., Nicoll, A., O'Corry-Crowe, G., & Insley, S. J. (2023) Exposure and behavioral responses of tagged beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas) to ships in the Pacific Arctic. Marine Mammal Science. [PDF]
Campbell, J., J. Yakimishyn, D. Haggarty, F. Juanes, and S. Dudas. (2023). Citizen science surveys provide novel nearshore data. Fisheries.
Quindazzi, M, L. Gaffney, E. Polard, N. Bohlender, W. Duguid, and F. Juanes. (2023). Otolith composition affects otolith shape asymmetry: a comparison of wild and hatchery-reared coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch, Walbaum, 1792) otoliths. Journal of Fish Biology.
Looby, A., K. Cox, S. Bravo, R. Rountree, F. juanes, A. Riera, S. Vela, HL Davies, LK Reynolds, CW Martin. (2023). A quantitative inventory of fish sound production research: historical practices and ongoing challenges. In: Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life: principles and practical considerations. AN Popper (ed). Springer Nature.
Gerwing, T., L. Campbell, D.J. Hamilton, MA Barbeau, GS Norris, SE Dudas, and F. Juanes. (2023). Structuring forces of intertidal infaunal communities on the northern coast of British Columbia, Canada: assessing the relative importance of top-down, bottom-up, middle-out, and abiotic variables. FACETS.
Freshwater, C., W. Duguid, F. Juanes, and S. McKinnell. 2023). A century long time series reveals large declines and greater synchrony in Nass River sockeye salmon size-at-age. Canadian Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences.
Riera, A.,R. Rountree, and F. Juanes. (in press). Sounds of walleye pollock: a quantitative description. In: Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life: principles and practical considerations. AN Popper (ed). Springer Nature.
Mouy, X., M. Black, K. Cox, J. Qualley, S. Dosso, and F. Juanes. (2023). Identification of fish sounds in the wild using a set of portable audio-video arrays. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.
Martin, M., W. Halliday, J. Citta, L. Quakenbush, L. Harwood, E. Lea, F. Juanes, J. Dawson, A. Nicol, and S. Insley. (2023). Exposure and behavioral responses of tagged bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) to vessels in the Pacific Arctic. Arctic Science..
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